mark cerqueira well-rounded nerd

My Chinese Birthday Party

This unit’s Chinese assignment has us going to a birthday party. One of the exercises had me write a small passage with a bunch of words. Unlike a longer essay and script that allows a bit of room for exposition and setup, I had to tell a story and make it good in only a few sentences. Here’s the result!

今天是我的生日!我屬狗。我最好的朋友來我的家。他給了我的禮物是一隻大狗。 我們吃生日蛋糕和喝啤酒。我的蛋糕有三十者蠟燭。我忘了許願!哇!今年會很不好!

And in Pinyin:

Jīntiān shì wǒ de shēngrì! Wǒ shǔ gǒu. Wǒ zuì hǎo de péngyǒu lái wǒ de jiā. Tā gěile wǒ de lǐwù shì yī zhī dà gǒu. Wǒmen chī shēngrì dàngāo hé hē píjiǔ. Wǒ de dàngāo yǒu sānshí zhě làzhú. Wǒ wàngle xǔyuàn! Wa! Jīnnián huì hěn bù hǎo!

And in English:

Today is my birthday! I am a [Chinese Zodiac] dog. My best friend came to my home. The gift he gave me was a big dog. We have birthday cake and beer. My cake has thirty candles. I forgot to make a wish! Wow! This year will be very bad!